Schloss Schwetzingen
Schloß Mittelbau
D-68723 Schwetzingen
It only takes about 10 minutes from the Central train station to Schwetzingen Palace.
Address for the navigation of participants:
There are about 1500 parking spaces in Schwetzingen available.
You find an overview of the parking facilities for download HERE.
Visitors with classic-cars can use one of the limited Classic-car parking-slots in the Nutzgarten.
The entrance is opposite "Zähringerstr. 1". Please follow the instructions of our guards.
The use of this parking area costs 10 € plus regular Palace-entry fee.
Spontaneous guests with US-Classic-cars can park directly next to the US-Classic Car Concours in the garden of Schwetzingen Palace.
Please use the gate "Drei-Brücken-Tor" (Navigationsystem: Maschinenweg/Lindenstr.) Please follow the instructions of our guards.
Only cars in original condition are allowed to use these parking-slots. You can not leave the garden until 3 p.m. on saturday and until 6 p.m. on sunday. The use of this parking area costs 10 € plus regular Palace-entry fee.