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And the winners are...

15th International Concours d'Elegance Automobile of Schwetzingen is over and the winners are: Best of Show - 1939 Alfa 6 C 2300 MM Cabriolet - Owner: Metz Great Prize of Classic-Gala 2019 - 1938 Horch 853 A Sp. Cabriolet - Owner: Zapf Congratulation!

Press-Conference 13.8.

The organisation-team of Classic-Gala Schwetzingen published exclusive information and highlights of the event at the press-conference on 13th of August 2019. Participants could also make pictures of classic-cars in the garden of Palace Schwetzingen.

Well-known car designer created poster 2019

The well-known Japanese car designer Hideo Kodama created the new poster for 15th Int. Concours d’Elegance Automobile Classic-Gala Schwetzingen. His soft, transparent illustration fits perfectly to the flair of Classic-Gala Schwetzingen, one of Germany's biggest and oldest Int. Concours d'Elegance Automobile.

1st ASC-Rallye to 15th Classic-Gala Schwetzingen

For the first time the Allgemeiner Schnauferl-Club e.V., one of the oldest classic-car clubs in Germany, organises a rallye to 15th Classic-Gala Schwetzingen.

100 years of perfection with Bentley Mannheim

In 1919 Walter Owen Bentley realised his first automobile and his mission was "To build a fast car, a good car, the best in class". This mission remains true until today: Bentley is still making responsive, comfortable and powerful Grand Tourers.